Thanks for coming back to me.
My archive interval is set to 5 minutes and if I upload once every 24 hours
(my software is set to upload at 00:20), I have no problems, however I've
got 8 duplicate records for 00:16 - I don't understand where that comes from
if my archive interval is set at 5 minutes!
In addition, the log suggests the duplicate was at 23:16 - funnily enough
that equates to the +1 hour for BST.
I upgraded to 5.5.1 recently thinking that would solve the problem but
obviously the bug is still there. It is not a big problem if I upload once a
day but ideally I'd like to upload every 15 minutes as my site on
wunderground disappears otherwise.
If you have any ideas, please let me know.
Jonathan (not sure why I'm coming up as Bob - need to look at how my mail
client is configured)
Time Temperature Dew Point Pressure Wind Wind Speed Wind Gust Humidity
Hourly Precipitation
00:00 12.6 °C 9.4 °C 1018.2hPa NNE 1.6km/h 8.0km/h 81% 0mm
00:05 12.6 °C 9.4 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 3.2km/h 81% 0mm
00:10 12.6 °C 9.4 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 1.6km/h 81% 0mm
00:15 12.4 °C 9.1 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 3.2km/h 80% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 1.6km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 3.2km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa North 1.6km/h 4.8km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa North 1.6km/h 4.8km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 4.8km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa North 1.6km/h 4.8km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa North 1.6km/h 8.0km/h 81% 0mm
00:16 12.4 °C 9.3 °C 1018.2hPa North 1.6km/h 4.8km/h 81% 0mm
00:20 12.4 °C 9.1 °C 1018.2hPa Calm 0.0km/h 80% 0mm
"George Booth" wrote in message
bob wrote:
Since my weather station (Davis Vantage Pro) moved to British Summer
Time, BST on the 27th March '05 when the station uploads records to
the Weather Underground website I get duplicate records on their
website. I had been uploading for nearly five months (I started
after BST ended!) without any problems and nothing ever changed at my
end (but for the time!)
I've tried resetting the date and time to synchronize the time on the
station with the software and PC; disabling the 'Auto-Detect' feature
and manually enabling daylight saving but have never been able to
solve the problem.
My station ID is 'IEDINBUR1' and I don't think I'm alone with the
problem. The only way I can get around this is to upload once a day
to minimise the spureous records.
The information I get in my event log is, e.g. "Duplicate entry
'IEDINBUR1-2005-04-02 13:49:45' for key 1".
Does anyone have any suggestions how to resolve - Davis and Weather
Underground didn't offer any solutions.
Look forward to your suggestions.
I get the 'Duplicate entry........for key 1' as well in the Weatherlink
but it doesn't cause any problems with the Weather Underground display.
I've had a look at your data for yesterday and in most cases the
do change from line to line. I assume you mean to have 5 minute intervals.
Weather Underground is a strange beast which usually runs smoothly.
if you make any manual alterations in Weatherlink it either takes time to
update or ignores your changes completely.
Just done a Google on this problem and find that the duplicate key message
is a known bug on Weatherlink 5.5
All the best
George in Epping, West Essex (107m asl)