With reference to:
I'd like to invite those on both sides of the debate to offer whatever
bets they would be willing to make, either posted here or by email (see
sig). I'll try to act as a match-maker to set up individual agreements.
So far, a few people have said they are willing to weigh in on the
warming side, and Piers Corbyn has said (quoted in Nature) that he is
"happy to bet loads of money" (presumably on the sceptic side),
although I've not got any firm commitment out of him.
Of course, contributors are not limited to betting at evens for a
threshold of 0C temperature change. Just choose whatever you think is
an acceptable risk/return. However, while some people are confidently
predicting significant world cooling, and others a continued warming,
it is probably a plausible starting point.
Ideally, the money should be paid up-front and invested somewhere
sensible, but I think it's easier to rely on "gentleman's agreements"
for now. Maybe a proper market will be set up eventually, but it surely
won't be unless there is some evidence of interest in the first place.
James Annan
see web pages for email