mmm, but you can hardly claim statistical significance yet: you need
about another 20,000 years of data and another ice age before you can
have confidence that the data matches your model
Shaun Pudwell wrote:
Actual Previous Warm and Cold Climatic Periods:
975bc-250bc Subatlantic cold period ( lasted approx 725 years )
250bc-450ad Roman warm period ( lasted approx 700 years )
450ad-950ad Dark ages cold period ( lasted approx 500 years )
950ad-1400ad Medieval warm period ( lasted approx 450 years )
1400ad-1850ad Little Ice Age ( lasted approx 450 years )
1850ad-2003ad Modern warm period ( 153 years and counting... )
Notice how the durations of warm and cold periods are shortening, just as my
earlier theoretical work suggested.