[WR]Copley August 2005, an average month
Here are the figures for the Copley stations for August 2005, averages refer
to 1971-2000
Copley Lead Mill, 218m
Temperature °C
Mean max 19.1 High 23.0 on 17th&31st Low 15.1 on 26th
Mean min 8.9 Low 3.5 on 30th High 15.0 on 29th
Mean 14.0
Fog 09Z 1, Thunder 2
Copley Met O station, 253m
Temperature °C
Mean max 18.8 (-0.2) High 23.0 on 17th Low 14.1 on 26th
Mean min 9.8 (+0.2) Low 3.3 on 25th High 14.5 on 29th
Mean 14.3 (0.0) Mean AWS, 10min averages 13.7
Mean grass min 6.2 (-1.4) Low -0.9 on 30th
Ground frost 2
Rainfall mm
Total 68.1 (94%) AWS 76.5
High 33.6 on 11th
Rain days 14, Wet days 9
Thunder 2
Sunshine hr
Total 170.7 (104%)
High 12.2 on 17th
Days no sun 0
Fog 09Z 1
Wind mph
Mean W 7.0 (+1.3)
Gust 47 on 28th
Gale 0
Mean barometer 1017mb
Note, mean 30cm & 100cm earth temperatures were -0.6C and -0.2C from normal
Absolute max (23.0C) lowest in August since recording began here in 1995