We have the coal fire on, admittedly set on very low and I do live with a
Best wishes,
Ken Cook
Copley (253m, 830ft) & Copley Lead Mill (218m, 715ft)
5 miles north of Barnard Castle, County Durham.
(All times GMT)
That's not very complimentary of your better half, Ken (: I don't have
an accurate outside temperature sensor here but last night here was
British Standard Refreshingly Cool with the bedroom windows open.
Winter must be on its way - noted Orion rising early in the morning....
mars is quite striking in the night sky atm and you can see the disc
quite well in 8x30 binoculars. A nice quiet pastime. Makes a change from
nearly getting on the wrong end of a +cg superbolt (:
Les Crossan,
Wallsend, Tyne & Wear
54.95N 1.5W
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