Directions to cope with heat waves
Good afternoon, all.
I thought I should repost part of my June 26th post, containing some general
guidelines for heat waves, as these days seem quite nasty indeed for much of
England, to say the least.
Citizens should
a) reduce tiring activities and limit them for the coolest hours of the day,
avoid long travels and exposure to the sun. Wear light coloured clothes,
reduce quantity of food consumed, drink a lot of cool -not very cold- water
and juices and have frequent showers.
b) reduce consumption of electric power, use no hoses for gardens watering,
swimming pools or car wash. Never leave children, elderlies or animals
unattended in cars.
Individuals consuming much salt or having epilepsy or heart/kidney problems
should seek medical advice before increasing consumption of liquids. Infants
and young children should
a) be dressed as lightly as possible and be offered fruits and liquids other
than milk, like water and camomel
b) be asked to consume vegetable and fruits that are in full abundance at
this period of the year
c) not be exposed to the sun after swimming and always wear a hat
The elderlies should remain in cool areas and never be left unattended.
Good luck!
Yannis, SE Athens
+32.0C, RH 28%