The June snow falling was fascinating enough, but the National Union of
Railwaymen rejecting a pay rise offer of 27.5% was unbelievable - how times
have changed.
Nick G
Exe Valley, Devon
50 m amsl
"Mike Tullett" wrote in message
On Tue, 06 Sep 2005 08:25:02 +0100, Graham P Davis wrote in
I doubt it, but snow interfered with play at Buxton on 1 or 2
June 1975, I seem to remember.
I remember the snow falling across East Anglia during the morning of
2nd June 1975. In Derbyshire, this snow would have been too early in the
day to interfere with play unless it was still lying on the ground when
play was due to start. I think pitches were still uncovered for county
matches at that time so that may have been a factor.
Oh it was lying indeed, as this old photo from the Daily Telegraph shows.
Snow stopped play all day.
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to 06/09/2005
07:25:20 UTC