DT : Weather
In article ,
Phil Layton writes:
Philips column in the Tele was quite interesting. He was saying that the
NAO, which has been used as evidence for this (cold) forthcoming winter, was
more likely a result of the previous winter, rather than a sign for the
forthcoming one!
Apparently the MO predict the coming winter's NAO based on May's
Atlantic SST anomalies. I suppose that those May anomalies are going to
be greatly influenced by what the previous winter's circulation pattern
was like.
I wonder why May is used. You would think that taking a later month
would give a better prediction. Surely it can't require several months
to process the data?
John Hall "Do you have cornflakes in America?"
"Well, actually, they're American."
"So what brings you to Britain then if you have cornflakes already?"
Bill Bryson: "Notes from a Small Island"