And the forecast for this winter is. bitterly cold with heavy snow and power blackouts
Just been informed, the Mirror has got a piece about the severe winter
to come in today's edition
I was expecting this during October.
It's a huge risk with implications putting out this kind of stuff, i
dunno if the media have 'over-sensationalised' like they did last year,
but the people i've spoken to today after reading the articles, told me
they didn't believe it. They thought it was fear mongering
It doesn't matter where the info comes from. Cry Wolf too many times,
and people will not believe it
It seems that it's hard enough getting the next seven days forecasting
accurate, so i dunno about anyone else, i'm not dedicating too much
time getting angry or thinking about what anyone says what the weather
will be doing in many many weeks time.
Slight grin on my face with a... "ohhh is that so?"