And the forecast for this winter is. bitterly cold with heavy snow and power blackouts
Sounds to me as if the media have taken the forecast for the UK and combined
it with the forecast for Europe and ended up with a colder than average
winter. It is however, interesting to note that Joe *******i, has also been
hinting on a colder than average winter, so who knows? Anything is possible!
Shaun Pudwell.
"Victor West" wrote in message
"Nick G" wrote in message
As Graham said recently, 80% chance this winter will be warmer than
normal. H. H. Lamb used the 7/10 rule, whatever the season before, the
following season will be similar in terms of temperature in 7/10 cases
until the cycle is broken.
So we can say 80%, or not, once we know what autumn 2005 was like.