On Tue, 20 Sep 2005 00:18:28 +0200, "Colin Youngs"
Photo posted on the discussion forum of the Dutch amateur observers'
association VWK Discussion on the forum as to whether or not it is
Taken at 15.19 local time on Saturday 10th September in Rijswijk near The
Hague in the Netherlands.
Colin Youngs
The "blue falling object" looks like a piece of modern sculpture, common on
continental streets.
The red/yellow light is a shop neon sign.
The bright white circular artifact is either a refection of the camera flash -
you can just make out another (linear) reflection on the nearest lamp-post - in
a car or shop window, or a high voltage cable flashing over to the lamp
Not ball lightning IMVHO but I still believe it occurs, possibly as a volume of
ionised air - a bit like St Elmo's fire or corona discharge that has become
detached somehow.