"Tudor Hughes" wrote in message
Phil Layton wrote:
From the EGRR : T+132 - A Windy Sunday in prsopect
The T+120 for the same time shows quite a different picture. In
fact it's difficult to believe the forecast charts were produced only
12 hr apart. At the moment it's a case of "I'm sorry I haven't a
clue", though the Exeter chart is now more in line with GFS.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.
Worth pointing out that the single finalised chart that appears on the web
is in many respects only the tip of iceberg. The medium range forecaster may
issue one or more alternative solutions/charts when there's considerable
uncertainty, with varying probabilities attached to each. Although these
days it's more likely that the spread of solutions will be reflected via
overlays in the graphical guidance that accompanies the charts.
As for the current charts, I think it's fair to assume there's a 'bit' of
uncertainty in the medium range period but "haven't a clue" is a bit harsh !
In saying that such comments do bolster the argument from certain quarters
that fixed time deterministic charts shouldn't be produced at this range....