Mean 24hr maximum:... 20.4 [+2.7]
Mean 24hr minimum:... 11.8 [+1.0]
Mean of 24hr max & min:... 16.1 [+1.9 anomaly on eLTA 1971-2000]
Total rainfall/melted snow etc:... 47.0 [67% of eLTA 1971-2000]
[ notes September as a whole ]
Using a composite Easthampstead Park / Tawfield series (1971-2005), this
September just gone was the *second* warmest (using the 24hr max/min
values) in those 35yr with the overall anomaly of +1.9degC. The warmest
in that period was 1999 (+2.5degC).
In those 35 years, there have been 7 years with an anomaly = +1.0degC,
and all of them have occurred in the period from 1989 onwards (1989,
1991, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2004 & 2005).
Using the mean maximum (24hr) value ONLY, with an anomaly of +2.7degC,
this places it equal 'top' in the list (with 2003), but that year, the
overnight minima were *below* average, thanks to some cold nights during
the last week. This September, the 24hr minimum anomaly was +1.0, with
very few really chilly nights - hence the influx of Crane Flies and
large house spiders!
Of the 47.0mm of rainfall this month, the overwhelming bulk of same
occurred in the period 18Z to 09Z (42.6mm 'overnight' plays 4.4mm during
the 'day'): As well as being a 'dry' month overall ( 67% of eLTA
1971-2000 ), the bias to night-time rainfall emphasised the perception
of a dry month. A third of the monthly total was produced in the period
04/2030 - 05/0300Z.
(Last summary from this location)
Martin Rowley: data via -
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51DEG23MIN30SEC(N): Long: 00DEG46MIN28SEC(W)