Felly sgrifennodd Colin Youngs :
Capel Curig 43.8
mm, Valley and Aberdaron 52.8 mm, Aberporth 66.9 mm, Milford Haven 99.9
Not anything like that wet here yesterday, more like 14.5mm total. However,
today has already passed 19mm and it's still raining from a very misty
sky (vis ~200m).
Graphs at
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais/weather/current.html (bottom of page).
Adrian (12 miles ESE Aberystwyth, 260m/860ft asl)
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk