"Keith (Southend)" wrote in message
7 AM (11) Oct 14 68 (20) 59 (15) 30.09 (1019) N 8 funnel cloud (tornado or
waterspout) in the vicinity
Keith (Southend)
'Weather Home & Abroad'
WAS reported as Funnel Cloud, Note no CB reported although Trend suggests
some around.
Not a rare event in Med. During my time in Cyprus, we would see one or two
FC each winter month, on occasion associated only with CU SC. Real Tornados
from CB's also caused major damage most winters, though relatively rare.
LEBL 141200Z 06013KT 6000 DZ FEW010 BKN025 BKN050 19/16 Q1019 NOSIG
LEBL 141137Z 35007KT 9999 VCFC SCT025 BKN060 20/15 Q1019 TEMPO TSRA NOSIG
LEBL 141130Z NIL