WR (retrospective) Central Highlands
Just back from a most amazing trip to Glen Spean and Glen Coe areas of
the Highlands.
Friday and Saturday - winds supposedly gusting to 90mph at 3000ft with
heavy snowfall.
The experience bore out the accuracy of the forecasts! Neither day did
we manage to "top out" on a mountain, being beaten back by gusts that
knocked us over on Friday, and by a steep and avalanche-prone snow
slope on Saturday. Probably the strongest winds we have ever tried to
walk in - more fool us, possibly, but it's something to bore everybody
with in the pub!
Sunday was something else - on a wonderful ridge on the edge of
Rannoch Moor (Ben a Chreachain) with strong winds again, yes, but
clear skies, near-infinite visibility, and everything within sight was
plastered in fresh snow! One of the best hill days ever.
We wanted winter, and we sure got it - only sad to see the temps
rising again up in the highlands from today onwards.
Oh yes, and they were definitely skiing in Glencoe yesterday!