A Paul Bartlett Winter Forecast this Year?
Put November 30th in your diary...This is from Mr Bartlett's Rutnet
"However this year the Met Office and the university of Berlin have
also issued forecasts for a cold winter. Franklly I don't believe
them, although I do at least understand their reasons.
The Met Office normally avoid long range forecasting because it is such
a difficult task, and they have the all the top equipment and
scientists in UK - as an ex-professional with the Office then my
reaction is that if they can't do it no one can. Please note this
when I issue forecasts for four months ahead from Berlin University,
they put in a huge amount of work and have good methods and top
computerisation. So I leave it to you all to assess whether they work
for Rutland. (These forecasts may no longer be available - but if
they are I will update asap).
However I sincerely believe that my methods are better, and these will
be published on Nov 30 2005 complete with the winter forecast, all
being well."