- And on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 19:26:17 +0100, it was spake thus said in message "Trevor Appleton" :
Take a look at
Very good site to look at before believing anything that you see on the net
is this
http://www.snopes.com and if you've an RSS reader installed - there's
a very good extension to Firefox at
http://inforss.mozdev.org/ you can set it
so look at the RSS every so often and will be updated about these sorts of
There is also
http://hoaxbusters.ciac.org/HoaxBustersHome.html which is also
worth looking at but on a different level and doesn't have the RSS feeds...
Nick in Northallerton
Also @
And nickw7coc on
Yahoo & MSN
but I use
http://www.trillian.cc as I like it better
also on Skype and Google talk