Had an unexpected flash and rumble overhead here in Wishaw around 6pm amidst
a heavy shower. Nothing noticed since despite promising skies in the
There was some distant lightning overnight also, at around 2am.
This is the first instance of thunder here since June, and the first in
October since 1995.
Conditions in Wishaw @ 6:10pm, 25/10/05
Temperature 9.9ฐC. Dew point 9.0บC. 94.0%RH
Mean wind speed 14mph from the South West.
Remarks; Recent thundery shower, 2.0mm precipitation in the past hour.
Cloud cover: Broken Cb
MSLP 990.7mb, Rising.
Today's Max. 12.3ฐC at 12:00am.
Today's min. 8.2ฐC at 7:54am.
Today's rain 11.2mm
Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, Scotland
N55บ47'14", W3บ55'15". 360ft/117m amsl