Shortage of TS
Here is the data for thuner days from Coventry - I think I can vouch
for the accuracy of these because these are the years in which I have
been th observer in Coventry, with Keiron's help in recent years.
1978 10
1979 6
1980 12
1981 11
1982 18
1983 22
1984 5
1985 8
1986 11
1987 13
1988 7
1989 9
1990 5
1991 2
1992 9
1993 12
1994 10
1995 12
1996 10
1997 14
1998 7
1999 18
2000 11
2001 11
2002 4
2003 8
2004 15
It doesn't look like there is a decline evident here to me, not in our
region at least.