Blackpool Blues
wrote in message
Alastair McDonald wrote:
Trust in the Lord! ... and thank him too, since it was He who sent you
good weather, not the BBC :-(
About a year ago, I was taken to task for pushing the Atheist point of
view on this newsgroup - it seems I caused offence to some people. I
shut up.
So please let's not have all this god business now.
Good point Jack. However it was Alastair, and he believes all humans are
wicked for using fossil fuels in their fragile efforts to try and crawl out
of the mud since the end of the last ice age.
Wicked despicable people. Hold on didn't the Catholics and the Protestants
enjoy a good old bonfire when it came to
religious tolerance - yeah especially poor old Thomas Cranmer. Apparently
when asked by he executioners
"how do you like your stake?"
" Preferably not burnt me old son" came the dignified reply from the
ex-Archbishop of Canterbury
Of course in historical context if humans hadn't have burned fossil fuels
Alastair wouldn't be here now - none of us would. Now imagine that?