R Severn looking full
Hello Paul et al,
I have been away in the Midlands for a few days and saw the Severn in
Worcester on Friday. Hope no one was caught up in the floods and
defences were effective; but it was fascinating to watch. Lots of
debris was piling up at the main bridge, as logs etc were being
carried by the swift current. Racecourse and cricket ground flooded.
Saw the Environment Agency erecting temporary flood barriers.
On Saturday, I went for a walk on the Malverns; could see the floods
from there. Upton-upon-Severn looked as if it was surrounded by water.
According to the notice on the Lock Keeper's cottage at Diglis Basin,
the water peaked on Saturday PM at 4.7+ metres, in Worcester.
I know the Severn floods most years; but, after seeing it so low, last
autumn (at Bewdley), I wasn't expecting it to flood this year. It's
amazing how dramatically the river level can vary. The Environment
Agency has a flow gauge at Bewdley. In October, it registered its
lowest October flow since 1947.
P wrote in message . ..
I have walked over the 'old bridge' on my way home tonight and noticed
that the river has risen considerably since this morning. The water is
a dark brown colour, moving quite fast and with a large collecting of
debis gathering by the bridge arches.
Paul, Worcester, UK.