================================================== ==================
This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Mean max. 14.4 (+1.8 ELTA)
Mean min. 10.0 (+2.8 ELTA)
Mean 12.2
Highest day max. 17.8 10th
Lowest night min. 4.7 9th
Lowest day max. 12.5 14th
Highest night min. 12.6 11th
Monthly total 269 mm (154% ELTA)
Highest daily total 50.3 mm 30th
Number of days 0.1 mm 23
Number of days 0.9 mm 19
Number of days with over 25 mm fall 4 (12th,24th,25th,30th)
Max gust at 3m agl 33 mph (24th)
Thunder - nil
Frost - nil
Snow falling - nil
Snow lying greater than half cover at 0900 GMT - nil
Sleet - nil
Hail - nil
Days with fog 200m visibility - 8
Have I got the highest monthly rainfall on the newgroup I wonder?
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...antage_Pro.htm
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.