"Paul Bartlett" wrote in message
In message , Adrian D. Shaw
Felly sgrifennodd BlueLightning :
Metcheck Winter Forecast Enclosed
You said that as if you meant to precede it by "Health warning: ".
Headline : Average to slightly above average temperatures. Drier than
One might cynically say that they came up with this so that if the winter
is indeed not what the press seem to think the Met Office are forecasting,
they can claim one up on the Met Office.
And of course if it is cold, everyone will have forgotten their forecast
To be fair Metcheck have published their methodology for once, of course
they are cashing in on the Met Office press misrepresentation. I don't
think they are being anything but sensible in doing this.
I was impressed with the Metcheck forecast. Nice to see methodology explained.
Piers Corbyn - TAKE NOTE (like hell he will).
I have not put any work in yet and may not bother again this year unless
November is cold and wet.
Paul, you worry me, you really do. Are you really so fed up as to not to bother
You're making out you are really old and tired. But for heavens sake you are not
even 65 if my maths is right? COME ON. Winters are still interesting even if the
ball game has changed, are they not ?
Yes I know the lovely winters of the 60s are a thing of the past but hell's
teeth there is still some bite in a British winter shurely?
From what little I have seen from the ecmwf seasonal progs Metcheck seem
to be on track.
But the Office are sticking to their guns - so the winter may be down to
The "Office" as you call it will be updating shortly.
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
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