- And on Thu, 3 Nov 2005 14:42:44 -0000, it was spake thus said in message " Jill." :
Jonathan Stott wrote:
Jill. wrote:
Slow on dialup
Erk - forgot people still had dialup
according to Ofcom although Broadband is increasing rapidly only 30% of the
population is on it
Don't know if you're just not wanting to go on BB Jill, or if you are just
not sure if you can get it or not...
You might want to take a look at
http://www.samknows.com for availability in
the UK...
Nick in Northallerton
Also @
And nickw7coc on
Yahoo & MSN
but I use
http://www.trillian.cc as I like it better
also on Skype and Google talk