Dave.C wrote:
Talking of hits, Keith, am I the only one that is finding your site
difficult to load and keep getting redirected to Java. It's been doing it
for ages and I don't get any probs with any other sites. Thoughts , anyone?
Hi Dave,
I used Frontpage to write the homepage on my site and 'played' for want
of a better word, with Java. I've been meaning to revamp my whole site
but it is going to be a mammoth task, and as yet I have not had the
time. I have a copy of Dreamweaver, but need to learn how to use it,
before I can start building things up again. My site has become a bit
'messy' and needs sorting out somewhat. I spend a bit to much time
decoding synops, it's a shame that part wasn't automatic :-(
But going back to yor question, yes you probably will need to load Java..
Certainly with Firefox it requires the plugin, I thought IE included it.
I also can't display it at work as they have disables certain things,
hence at the bottom of the page I have a link that says 'Non-Active'.
Other excuses, my computer has been a bit unreliable and still crashes
and gets it's knickers in a twist with some applications.
Oh well, such is life :-)
Keith (Southend)