Further to my Louise Lear post
"lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
I hear Louise Lear is joining forces with Sir David King the governments
chief scientific advisor, to form a Shakespearian weather
forecasting/global warming production company.
These will be highly dramatic and issued daily under the banner of King
Lear productions.
The season kicks off with the sorry tale of UKMO's Severe winter weather
forecast that didn't quite come to fruition.
This is to be called 'Much Ado about Nothing'
That will be timely followed by two of Shakespeare apocryphal plays
warning of sensationalist forecast from the private sector.
The 'Metcheque of Menace' and 'The TWO gentleman of dubious forecasting
There will then follow a tales of warning related to global warming 'The
and a play telling the tale of the major flooding of London's sewerage
systems due to global warming. 'Richard the Turd'
A couple of gay comedies about the perfect holiday weather
'as you like it' and 'Midsummer's night dream'.
the penultimate double production will be a futuristic play looking at the
confidence in computer modelling 'Twelthnight ahead ? - your havin a
laugh' and a story of a lonely man living on his own chopping and cutting
logs all day just for something to do -'As you Will'
Then final play will be about the Little Ice Age and natures response to
the lower temperatures
'The Hairy Wives of Windsor'
This has been a King/Lear production
Next week 'Changing Barometers'
Oh I forgot Hamlet's Soliloquy when he utters the immortal line
" Toboggan or not toboggon what is the forecast?"