Further to my Louise Lear post
Steve wrote:
"lawrence Jenkins" wrote in message
"Dave Ludlow" wrote in message
On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 18:21:29 +0100, Gianna wrote:
Paul C ha scritto:
On Thu, 10 Nov 2005 16:59:48 +0000 (UTC), "lawrence Jenkins"
Oh I forgot Hamlet's Soliloquy when he utters the immortal line
" Toboggan or not toboggon what is the forecast?"
The next few months are going to be wet and mild yet again:
"Now is the winter of our discontent."
Made glorius by the sun in York ?
Peter, Paul and Mary had a song about about Winter:
"I'm Leaving on a jet stream
Don't know when I'll be back again...
They also sang about Puff the magic dragon who frolicked in the Autumn
Didn't Pink Floyd sing "It's scandi' high time Cymbaline"?
They were, of course, "Obscured by Clouds" and sang "Storm Signal" and
"Goodbye Blue Sky"
They were progressive rock's own meteorologists.
"Goodbye Blue Sky"