"Alan White" wrote in message I hate the wind.
Lesley was down south, visiting her children/grandchildren so I was
alone. I went to bed clutching a torch and with dentures firmly
attached and we had the quietest night for three weeks.
The insensitive may find this amusing but for me it was quite scary.
I am with you
I nearly dislocated Tims thumbs during the night at the beginning of the
week - I was so tightly curled against the weather and I had managed to
collect his thumbs in my foetal position. I am told that as each new gust
hit I gripped harder !!! bless
January was not so bad in the depth of the night = it was worst at around 9
pm - when we lost our polytunnel
Mind you it seems to be easing a little bit now but its still rattling
around pretty well - its howling down the chimney
The map MCC has posted suggests that this is not going away in a hurry
Jill Bowis
Pure bred utility chickens and ducks
Housing; Equipment, Books, Videos, Gifts
Herbaceous; Herb and Alpine nursery
Working Holidays in Scotland