Paulus wrote in message
. com...
:I lived in Brussels for the last 2 years and have recently moved to

:I am looking for historical data on mm rain and hours of sunshine by
:day for the last 5 years in Brussels. I can find a lot of ready made
:graphs but can not find the raw data. Does anybody have an idea where I
:can find this info
I am assuming from your name that you understand Dutch.
Temperature and rainfall for each day at Uccle / Ukkel since 1833
Climatological observations published by the IRM / KMI but you have to pay
for them
Links "producten/waarnemingen" on the left.
Choose "klimatologisch maandbericht" in top left-hand box. EUR 50 per
month - so a bit expensive just for sunshine totals ! I don't know if the
figures are published anywhere else more cheaply but the name of a contact
person at the IRM / KMI is given.
Colin Youngs