Phil Layton wrote in message ...
:"Colin Youngs" wrote in message
: Snow on Sunday morning in parts of central and northern Spain - 10 cm
: around Leon, Salamanca and Segovia for example.
: Salamanca
: Cold in many places too - some max. temps: Burgos 2.8°C, Salamanca
: 3.6°C, Valladolid 4.4°C, Logrono 6.4°C, Madrid 7.3°C.
:I saw the snow symbols this morning and wondered if they were anything
:special. I assumed the stations were all very high and it may not have been
:anything unusual. You mention they were on TV, which makes me think it was
TV pictures showed fairly thick snow cover in the towns and 10 cm was
Salamanca 795 m asl.
According to WeatherOnline - Leon 936 m, Segovia 1006 m, Burgos 890 m,
Valladolid 846 m. So quite high up, certainly, but snow perhaps not very
common there in mid-November.
Colin Youngs