16 November 1965
"Peter Clarke" wrote in message
This was the coldest mid- November day that I can remember. The easterly
wind was blowing at almost gale force, whistling round the office building
where I worked, the temperature hovered around freezing point all day and
occasional snow flurries descended from an overcast sky. A few days later
,on 22 November, snow fell heavily in the afternoon for about 2 hours,
producing a good snowcover - a rare event for November in this part of
England. The winter which followed was fairly uneventful apart from a
freezing rain event on 20 January 1966.
All this would have produced plenty of comment on the NG if it had
occurred now.
Peter Clarke
Ewell, Epsom 55m
Peter I remember parts of that snowfall well. My dad had a Morris Minor
(split windscreen version ) and the battery had gone flat - we tend to
forget how unreliable cars were those days. Anyhow the car had broken down
about a mile away from the house so my job was to go and collect the battery
and then take it back when charged.
My over riding memories are how exciting it was to have snow before
Christmas, how bloody cold it was with my hands becoming numb very readily,
the slate grey sky on a freezing cold day and finally my Dad cursing as he
kept dropping his spanner into the snow. Those batteries not only had to
turn the engine but the fan as well, add to that the old style distributors
it was a miracle the car started under such conditions. In fact, once
started it would take twenty minutes with the choke out just the warm the
thing up whilst crossing your fingers in hope.