16 November 1965
Peter Clarke wrote:
This was the coldest mid- November day that I can remember. The easterly
wind was blowing at almost gale force, whistling round the office building
where I worked, the temperature hovered around freezing point all day and
occasional snow flurries descended from an overcast sky. A few days later
,on 22 November, snow fell heavily in the afternoon for about 2 hours,
producing a good snowcover - a rare event for November in this part of
England. The winter which followed was fairly uneventful apart from a
freezing rain event on 20 January 1966.
All this would have produced plenty of comment on the NG if it had occurred
Peter Clarke
Ewell, Epsom 55m
There was a maximum temperature of -0.8°C with snow showers
and a fresh easterly here on 19 Nov 1985, the lowest for November in
my 22-year record. There were also two max's below zero in November
1993, on the 22nd and 28th, neither with snow.
I remember the freezing rain in January 1966, being at the Met
Office in Bracknell. I went a-over-t in the car park. Very
undignified for a civil servant, of course, even a 23-yr-old one. :-)
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey 556 ft.