Joe *******i's thoughts on NAO UKMO marketing
"Graham P Davis" wrote in message
Jeremy Handscomb wrote:
I found it interesting in respect of the some of the stuff UKMO seem to
be drumming up, ie. this stuff with Amber alerts and the severe winter
There has been no forecast of a severe winter - merely colder than
What with this and the fact they are controlled by Labour
Labour ministers? I presume you are referring to Tony's party, aka Tory
Graham Davis
Graham, I was prompted to reply after a friends experience the day before
yesterday, with his wife's admission to Kings College hospital London - in
short a fiasco. What's this got to do with the weather ? in a word spin.
Now there are some very experienced ex and active meteorologist using this
group so they can confirm my views one way or the other, but I get the
feeling that weather/climate is increasingly becoming part of this
governments spin machine, you know like the intuitional war in 1984, and
this is manifested in increasing government interference in UKMO's work.
You see I believe just like in Health the last ten years Bogeymen are being
created, the bogey man in Health was Confidentiality. The bogeyman with
UKMO is heat and unprepared for cold spells.
Well some of those that may read this will say what's so bad about
confidentiality in health- well it's now become an irrational mantra, in
fact it's all the health authorities go on about in their propaganda output
that and "Choice". Many times I heard a government minister whether it be
Blair or now Patricia Hewitt go on about patients Choice, patient led etc.
Well juxtaposition this against the reality of using hospitals, extortionate
car park pricing, ridiculous refreshment costs, hours and hours of waiting
to see a doctor (because the nurses will tell you nothing).
In fact it now takes literally hours to get a blood test, get through A&E,
to be admitted and so on. Patients real life experiences make Tony Blair's
words "We want a Health service where you see the Dr of your choice on the
day and the time that you want to see them" seem absolutely out of touch
with the real world.
I believe this is now happening with weather forecasting.
Imagine this scenario Blair's talking to Campbell or one of those
professional bull ****ters.
" What are we going to do, we've got to raise the pension age to at least 67
for men, many inner city pensioners are scared to venture out at night
because of the crime levels that we're trying to keep the lid on. We've had
two very well respected pensioners go to prison on the principled stand of
refusing to fork out more council tax whilst their services are being
reduced. Then if they do go to hospital we'll finish them off with either
MRSA or pure neglect"
" Don't worry Tony we'll do what we always do, the old three card trick!
We'll create big bad bogeymen, you know exaggerate very slight problems out
of all proportion and then offer a cure for them"
" The way we did with Confidentiality in hospitals?"
"Yep that's right Tony, we' created an atmosphere where to inquire as too
someone's health was elevated to the level of official state secrets. So
when somebody called the ward to ask how their Uncle Jimmy was? the trained
nurses respond with the attitude of an MI5 operator. You know stuff like
who are you what's your relationship to them, where were you last night sort
of stuff and when they protest we tell them " You really need to speak to a
Dr" type of stuff".
"How the blazes will we achieve this with the weather?"
"Well Tony me old mate it's as simple as this we'll get our weather
services - can't actually remember their name at the moment"
"Oh I know that one Alistair, isn't it UKIP?"
"Well that will do for now Tony. Anyhow we'll get the weather chappies to
issue potential weather warnings and then the press and media will love it
before you know it the whole country will be buzzing about the worst winter
ever crap. The British love this stuff about Winter, Christmas and snow. We
can get the UKIP boy's to rattle on about pensioners the sick and elderly
keeping warm and so on. It's great stuff
"It won't offend the Muslim community will it?"
"Don't worry Tony it'll all be covered by the new look UKIP website and the
BBC weather do a cultural page. You see once this gets started it'll take
off and we'll respond as the listening responsible Government that we're
are by insisting on lots of Government information and advice to be placed
on websites that nobody ever looks at.
We can't lose Tony. If we do have a flake or two - of snow that is, we can
then proudly show how we warned about it all. Of course if nothing happens-
so what ! People forget very quickly, it hasn't cost us nowt as we pay those
people at UKIP anyhow, and in fact we've got them jumping through hoops as
it is.
In fact by the time February is here we can start putting out the warnings
about heatwaves and droughts again!. Remember Tony the golden rule create a
fictional monster and then exaggerate, exaggerate and exaggerate. and we
then are seen to be doing something about a problem even though it wasn't
there in the first place!"