16 November 1965
On Wed, 16 Nov 2005 08:28:35 -0000, "Peter Clarke"
This was the coldest mid- November day that I can remember. The easterly
wind was blowing at almost gale force, whistling round the office building
where I worked, the temperature hovered around freezing point all day and
occasional snow flurries descended from an overcast sky. A few days later
,on 22 November, snow fell heavily in the afternoon for about 2 hours,
producing a good snowcover - a rare event for November in this part of
England. The winter which followed was fairly uneventful apart from a
freezing rain event on 20 January 1966.
All this would have produced plenty of comment on the NG if it had occurred
I was at the Met Office Training School at Stanmore doing my
Assistant's course and remember it well, having just joined the Met
Office. We had the pleasure of playing mock met office with real
Peter Clarke
Ewell, Epsom 55m