Well have gone for code 4 for the last mornings, the surface of the ground
is definetly frozen and has remained frozen all day, judging from your
description it is similar to mine so no problem with a 4
Perhaps Code 9 next week ( I dream)--
Paul Crabtree
Brampton, Cumbria
117m A.S.L
"Richard Griffith" wrote in message
One of the elements I record on a daily basis is the State of Ground.
Looking in the MO Observers Handbook it states " The scales for the state
of ground take no notice of hoar frost or dew - When these conditions are
observed, the state of ground should be determined independently as if
they were absent"
However looking at the codes for State of Ground without snow or
measurable ice cover - 4 = SURFACE of Ground frozen
So when does this code apply ? Due to the hard frost here this morning
the SURFACE of the Ground was as hard as a rock, therefore am I correct in
recording the State of Ground for this (and other frosty mornings) as 1 =
Moist ? At least until we get some snow / ice cover....