In message . 4
Richard Dixon wrote:
"Col" wrote in
I see we have this problem again, and the heat hasn't even peaked yet!
I don't intend this post to be a whinge against our railways, so I will
ask this question, what happens to the rails in other countries that
have routinely far higher summer temps that we do, the US for example?
The man from the railways said that we differ to the continent in that
although we do get hot summers, they don't get our cold winters. Errmmm...I
think someone should tell him that the continental interior gets hotter
summers and colder winters in some areas. My friend in Munich has had 35c+
on several occasions this summer and -10c in winter quite frequently, and I
definitely recall seeing railways there!
I await the wrong type of drizzle in November 
The railway line from Kiruna to Narvik, in the Arctic north of Scaninavia
suffers a far greater temperature range than anywhere in this country, from
around -45C up to a max of around +30.. It might sometimes get blocked by
snow, but I've never heard of the rails buckling.
And guess who built that railway. The British!!
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