On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 16:33:43 +0000 (UTC), Alan Whitewick
After a glorious day in Somerset the temperature is falling rapidly with
the sun only just disappearing, it is nearly -1.0 C at 1630.
Max today was 7.7 C
Max here was 9.0 deg C (though if you believe nearby Solent MRSC it
reached 11 deg C there) and it's still up at 6.0 deg C.
Last night there were some interesting suburban heat island effects,
with the 23:40 temperature +1.2 deg C (the lowest of the night) at
home, but at the out of town Tesco supermarket and surrounding areas 3
miles to my North, it was -3 deg C at 23:30.
I must move out there... the weather is much more interesting!