I find this thread incredibly interesting because at Bablake we have
statistics averaged for every day of the year from 1978 to 2004
As you will see, the coldest day of the year in Coventry avaerges out
at 28th February - much later than you might have expected.
Just out of interest. I have appended other data from our website:
Warmest day of the year 28th July
Warmest night of the year 27th, 28th, 30th July
Coldest day of the year 16th February
Coldest night of the year 13th January
Wettest days of the year 29th July and 6th December
Driest day of the year 28th February
Sunniest day of the year 24th July
Dullest day of the year 1st December
Windiest day of the year 23rd March
Calmest day of the year 25th Septeber
Some surprises there!
Steve Jackson
Bablake Weather Station