November 2005 at Hazlehead, Aberdeen
My November 2005 statistics from the outskirts of Aberdeen (98m a.s.l.)
Readings made using a Davis Vantage Pro 2 Automatic Weather Station.
Mean Max: 7.8
Mean Min: 2.8
Overall Mean: 5.3
Highest Max: 14.3 (14th)
Lowest Max: 2.4 (29th)
Highest Min: 10.4 (4th)
Lowest Min: -4.2 (19th)
Total: 69.8
Highest Day Total: 20.0 (26th)
Days with rain (=0.2): 18
Days with rain (=1) : 11
Total Rainfall Duration : 61.3 hrs
Highest Daily Duration: 10.6 hrs (26th)
Average Rainfall Rate: 1.14mm/hr
Peak Rainfall Rate: 20.6mm/hr (11th)
Mean Pressure (at 9am): 1008.7
Highest: 1037.1 (22nd)
Lowest: 986.5 (12th)
Mean Humidity (at 9am): 83.7
Mean Humidity (at 3pm): 80.6
Days with snow/sleet falling: 6
Days with snow lying (50% cover) at 9am: 3
Max snow depth: 4cm (25th)
Number of air frosts: 6
Total frost duration: 59.8 hrs
Highest daily frost duration : 14.2 hrs (18th)
Overall: A very sunny month with mild first half and cold second half.
Probably the first time since 1985 that 10C has not been reached during
the second half of the month. Was a very dry month until the 23rd. More
than half the monthly total fell between the 24th and 28th. Sunshine
every day from the 9th to 29th.