Leaves still on the trees... latest ever?
"Nick G" wrote in message
Many of the common oaks (Quercus robur) around here are still in full,
green leaf and show no signs of a colour change, let alone losing their
I'm beginning to think that they could go through the whole winter;
deciduous to evergreen! Impossible I know but this has been a very unusual
autumn. The beech trees have now turned a lovely bronze colour and the
leaves are falling, more like October than the beginning of December.
Nick G
Exe Valley, Devon
50 m amsl
wrote in message
Still significant number of trees with leaves still on down here
(Southampton) - could this be the latest ever? Rather like having bare
trees in May.
Despite that, though, it's been a disappointing autumn for tree
colours. The cold week at the start of October started it early, with
some trees brown during the mid-October "heatwave", but thereafter the
continual mildness kept the majority green until about November 10th.
Then they finally went brown but it was a rather weak and drab shade of
brown compared to normal, and by then some trees had completely lost
their leaves anyway.
The 2001 autumn, similarly mild (colder in November) however was a good
season, I think what must have happened was the cold spell started that
bit earlier (frosts around Bonfire Night) to have made the difference.
Same here, exactly the same last Dec 1st when I took some pics but damned if
I can find them. Took some yesterday, might get round to posting them.
East Yorkshire