Did anybody watch news about global warming?
Col wrote:
"Ian Bartholomew" wrote in message
nguk wrote:
Scientists are saying, that new research is contradicting
global warming and saying that if the ice caps further
break off and or melt then the uk is at risk of getting
much colder!
Myself ive been saying this for years sigh..
So have the scientists. GW melts the icecaps, the desalination of the
North Atlantic stops the gulf stream and we get cold. How is this "new
research". There was even a "Horizon" about it a couple of years ago.
It's not, basically. Even I've known about it for at least 5 years so it
must have been knocking around in the scientific community for some time
before that.
As I pointed out before, I first read about the NAD sudden shut-downs 40
years ago. Long enough for some so-called scientists to claim it as a new
idea. What they have found is an explanation of the mechanics for the
switching-off of the NAD. They have gone too far in claiming that they
discovered the change to the surface current system and the associated
sudden changes in climate.
What was interesting about that report was they said that a sub-current
that goes towards Spain had become 30% stronger (whatever that means
Exactly!) during the last 12 years and the main drift (towards us) had
become weaker. So why have there been so many mild winters in the last
12 years, then?
I don't want to knock the theory, Younger Drayas and all that, it seems
perfectly plausible, but the info presented seems rather contradictory.
Although the NAD may be weaker, it hasn't shut off yet. Before our weather
is affected, it needs the ocean current system in the North Atlantic to
flip from the stable system we have now to the other stable system.
Graham Davis