Exceptionally wet start to December
On Tue, 06 Dec 2005 00:42:08 +0100, Gianna wrote:
I hope their forecast is wrong then as the winds have been from that
general direction all month so far, and are the cause of all my rain.
Please can I have some decent northerlies / easterlies ?
well according to one of the models - FNMOC - a large High 1040 is
sitting over us after a brief caress by a depression or two up north.
I tend to associate this time of year with a dry spell. After a bit of
that, back to something wet and windy from the SW. The alternating
pattern is what I quite like living on the edge of a very large
pond.Nothing gets too boring for too long ( though we had a very
tedious blocking high off Ireland for weeks last autumn/winter: cannot
remember now) The only other place I have lived in for any reasonable
length of time was Belgium ( grey,grey and very grey Brussels) and
So you will get a cold regime now and then. And,indeed, just about
everyone is waiting for the much heralded very cold snap.
Sadly I did not get any comment back from a MOD source who asked me to
take special precautions two weeks ago. That source quoted this winter
as being like 1963 so I merely asked the source whether the
information was really worth the expense,as it were, of mailing
Seasons greetings..Robin