Gianna wrote:
Richard Slessor ha scritto:
Fortunately the BBC are forecasting the winds to change to W./S.W. soon
so the weather should turn a lot drier and brighter.
I hope their forecast is wrong then as the winds have been from that
general direction all month so far, and are the cause of all my rain.
Please can I have some decent northerlies / easterlies ?
Gianna Stefani
Wind direction here has been mostly from the E./S.E. this month which
is why it has been so wet. The last couple of days have had N.W. winds
which has meant brighter more showery conditions. I don't usually
record much rain when the wind is from the W. or S.W.
Rain total for the month is up to 42.8mm. The forecast for tomorrow is
excellent with lots of sunshine so hopefully the total will not be
added to.
Richard Slessor,