[OBS] Bracknell(Tawfield) Mon 12 Dec 2005
Monday, 12 December 2005
0900 NNE F3-4 7000 - 3/SC 8/AC T065D049
RMK: Sc~040, Ac~100 (rippled); sporadic rain end of the night. Current
temperature is the 24hr maximum for the 11th.
screen min: 00.5 grass min: -01.5 precipitation: 0.1 [24hr total: 00.2
other data: No sign of dry deposition from yesterday's fires at Hemel;
looking at the rain in the gauge this morning, it does appear to have
some form of course particulate matter within the water, but without
some sort of proper analysis I couldn't say whether it's source was
local or distant. Air quality OK, though every now and then a slight
'tang' grabs the back of your throat.]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W