Why is it perceived as "infantile" to want snowy cold eather ?
Hello all.
I would just like to pose the question on this NG as to why it is perceived
by some as infantile to want snowy cold weather?
Cold snowy winters are the stuff of dreams, childhood memories, magical
times and generally a feeling of snuggling up nice as warm as the snow piles
up outside.
I think it's perfectly reasonable with the shrill mantra of Global Warming
ringing in our ears to long for some weather that somehow throws some doubts
on the doomsday GW scenario. It's a bit like the underdog (cold snow) giving
the favourite (Global Warming) a bloody nose now and again
Why, cold bitter winters are even romanticised in novels, songs, films and
all areas of popular culture.
What's so wrong with wanting a blanket of snow covering the normally grey
dull landscape - and believe me despite the nuances it does get pretty
nondescript and frankly depressing.
Finally what's so bad with getting excited about an event that so rarely
happens. Would you criticise people for getting excited over Haley's Comet
making an appearance and let's face it that's how rare a snow event is
So show some tolerance of others that still have that child like wonder at
such rare events and long may it continue.
Tudor and Alan I'm sending you a DVD of the "Snowman" and the "Grinch who
stole Christmas"
Finally I would say merry Christmas to one and all but what would be the
point? My thoughts and wishes will not have one iota of influence on any of
your lives. Okay I'm contradicting myself.
Oh alright then, Merry Christmas to one and all.