Gut feeling
On Fri, 23 Dec 2005 16:16:37 +0000 (UTC), "Lawrence Jenkins"
You know David it's so odd that you mention that. Animal instinct or
behaviour is a very powerful force and should only be ignored at our peril.
For the first time ever at Christmas, whilst shopping at Waitrose in
Beckenham this morning, I shared a queue with some squirrels.
I remarked to them about the possibility of snow for Tuesday next week. The
male squirrel looked at me very concerned and using his uncanny
supernatural instincts said.
"are you sure about that mate?"
I explained to him that the models and especially UKMO are now putting
warnings out !
He turned to his female squirrel partner and said
"Ethel don't stand there go and get half a dozen of those big family sized
bags of nuts from the fruit & veg section - it's gonna snow next week and
things are gonna get rough"
Well the other shoppers heard what the squirrel said, and very soon Waitrose
was out of nuts, all down to sheer animal ability to predict severe
Uncanny that.
Nice one :-)
Elizabeth in Renfrewshire, Scotland.
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