Here is a summary of the latest NWP output for noon on Thursday. Issued
0528, Christmas Day 2005.
The models show a wet and windy end to the year with rain sweeping in from
the west on Friday. With cold air over the UK on Thursday there's a small
chance of some significant snow/freezing rain before it turns back to rain,
although the models are bullish on precipitation being rain from the start.
Whatever the weather I'd like to wish everyone who reads this a happy and
peaceful Christmas.
Much of the UK lies under a col with light winds, although eastern England
is affected by NW'lies from a low over Denmark. Southerlies spread from the
west at T+144 as a trough approaches the UK, followed by southerlies and
SSW'lies for all at T+168 with the trough just to the west of Ireland.
MetO shows moderate SSE'lies over the UK with a low to the south and a
trough to the west. Low pressure deepens over Scotland at T+144 with gale
force westerlies elsewhere.
The GFS brings low pressure over Ireland with a mixture of SSE'lies and
SE'lies across the UK. The low deepens to the NW of Scotland by T+144,
leading to strong to gale force westerlies for the UK. A trough moves
eastwards at T+168 with westerlies in advance and NW'lies following behind.
The Canadian output shows a weak ridge over the UK and a mixture of
westerlies and NW'lies as a result. The winds become SW'lies ahead of an
ATlantic low at T+144.
SW'lies cover the UK due to a trough over Ireland. Further SW'lies affect
the UK at T+144 as the trough moves swiftly NE'wards over the UK.
The Japanese run shows SW'lies affecting Scotland and Northern Ireland,
whilst England and Wales lie under light winds from a col. A trough crosses
the UK at T+144, leaving strong WSW'lies in its wake.
NOGAPS shows cold easterlies and NE'lies with low pressure over Biscay and a
ridge to the north. By T+144 a col covers much of the UK although NW'lies
from a low to the east affect the eastern coastal regions of Scotland and
The Korean run shows a ridge bringing light winds for England and Wales.
Elsewhere winds are SW'lies.