[WR] Epping
On Wed, 28 Dec 2005 19:10:20 -0000, TerminalVelocity mike wrote:
I just watched the ITV evening news. It still puzzles me how they can make
such a big event of just a few areas getting some snow. While I love the
snow I don't like rediculous sensationalist reporting.
Agree with you 100% on this point. I look at the sensationalist reporting
as a sign of global warming. Basically, we don't get snow of any significance
anymore, so when it does arrive, it's news.
(Still can't believe
the trains are screwed. They need a kick up the rear end! How do they manage
in Eastern Europe / Russia / anywhere else where it snows?)
Now, this is something else.
We don't get snowfall nearly as often as we used to. Even when we used to get
snow, it was a fairly rare event.
Snow needs to be cleared to keep e.g. trains running. Clearing of snow
costs money. Why keep plant maintained and money set aside for a
once-in-a-decade event?
In Russia, it snows every year. So, I'd expect them to shrug it off like we
do with rain.
I bet you're the first to complain when fares take a hike. You can't have
it both ways.