[WR] Dartington, South Hams - 16:45 - turning mild and damp
Current temperature +3.1 deg. C
Dew point +1.2 deg. C
RH 87%
Wind 060 01 KT
Pressure 1012 hPa
A light but steady -DZ now set in. All traces of frost now gone.
Just returned from a trip to Haytor - didn't bump in to Will. Even at 1200FT
the precip has now turned to -RADZ, though feels very raw. Snow
grains/pellets for ~1 hour before the milder air reached the moor. Surfaces
very hard and frozen and looking nice and white.
Dartington, South Hams, Devon.
100 ft AMSL.
50' 12N, 03' 24W.